feeling exhausted after the holidays? here’s why:

It’s common to feel low on energy after the holidays. It’s that time of year when we pause our gym memberships, overindulge in foods and sip on a few too many cocktails. 

Here are a few reasons why you may be feeling low on energy:

  1. Lack of Sleep: The holiday season is often a time of late nights and disrupted sleep schedules, which can leave you feeling tired and drained.

  2. Stress and Anxiety: This chaos associated to this time of year can often cause a lot of stress and anxiety for many people, and this can take a huge toll on your energy levels.

  3. Poor Diet: The holidays are often a time of indulging in rich, sugary foods & drinks which can lead to a crash in energy levels.

  4. Dehydration: It's easy to get dehydrated when our days are filled spending these warm summer days soaking up the sun, and having a cool afternoon alcoholic beverage come sunset. Given these holiday distractions, if you're not paying attention to your water intake. Dehydration can also cause fatigue and low energy.

IV drips are a quick way to to rehydrate your cells and boost your energy levels by using high doses of essential vitamins, electrolytes and other minerals and administering them straight into your bloodstream which allows your cells to absorb and utilise all of this goodness within seconds!

Our ‘Cleanse’ infusion is designed to give your cells a little reset after the holidays and support your bodies natural detoxification pathways. This infusion contains a high dose of Vitamin C and our antioxidant booster that work together assist the body to reduce inflammation, boost antioxidants and promote the repair of cellular damage caused by oxidative stress/toxins. 


IV infusion before & aftercare